Secret and The tree of the learning of good and bad

One of the ways I think secret could be understood is that secret doesn't mean hidden but defective, that is to say forceful, with authority to lead people into wrong doings, the ONU as an example; that which people let loose, democratically speaking. Secret then means sealed, locked, instituted, to foster democracy for good or for bad. Binding. Undetermined. Not yet measured. That which is to be discern. So the tree of the learning of good and bad, at the center, behind but likewise infront of everyone for it was once said by president Thomas S. Monson

"Desitions determine the future"

of everyone that aspires to be the heroe/saint of the nation by casting a vote, a sacred vote, not hiden but as a right of yours. not hiden but secret. the secret is in you or the right is yours.

Singular desitions determine the future Bang we are going to live in. To surf the waves or to be drafted by them under water, that is the question.


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